Types of Writing


This package includes 14 visuals describing different types of writing. Each visual includes a short description of the writing style followed by examples.

1. The Memoir
2. Opinion writing
3. Narrative
4. Short Writing
5. Journal
6. Poetry
7. Parts of News Report
8. Short Story vs. Personal Narrative
9. Summarizing
10. Summarizing vs. Retelling
11. Expository vs. Informational Writing
12. Narrative Perspective
13. The 5 Paragraph Essay
14. A Comparison Paragraph




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Product Description

This package includes 14 visuals describing different types of writing. Each visual includes a short description of the writing style followed by examples. Some describe an individual writing style such as the memoir or the journal, others show a comparison, for example, short story vs. personal narrative. Teachers can use them as posters or handouts. An example is provided on the left (Expository vs. Informative writing).

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